β2.4 Engineering Notebook Grading Rubric
Elements |
Weight |
5 Points |
4 Points |
3 Points |
2 Points |
1 – 0 Points |
Total |
Organization |
The content has been organized using the appropriate method. The required information is easy to locate within the report. Clear identification of the owner and contact information is included. A table of contents clearly and correctly lists all contents. The notebook contains a chronological section as well as sections for References and Contacts. |
The content has been mostly organized using a logical sequence, but some flaws exist. The required information is generally easy to locate within the notebook. The table of contents is mostly clear and correct. The notebook contains a chronological section as well as sections for References and Contacts. |
The content has been organized using a somewhat logical sequence. The organization is sometimes confusing. The table of contents is incomplete or incorrect. The notebook is missing a References section or a Contacts section. |
The content is disorganized. The table of contents lists only a small fraction of entries. The required information is difficult to locate within the notebook. The notebook is missing both the References section and the Contacts section. |
The notebook includes little to no evidence of organization. |
Daily Entries |
Details of information gathered and work accomplished for each day are entered for all work days since last check. |
Daily entries are provided for at least 80% of work days since last check. |
Daily entries are provided for at least 60% of work days since last check. |
Daily entries are provided for at least 40% of work days since last check. |
Less than 40% of daily entries have been provided since last check. |
Content |
Notebook entries are sufficiently descriptive to completely recreate the daily accomplishment. Frequent reflections on work and future needs are included. |
Most information is detailed; however, important details are missing. Some reflections on work and future needs are included. |
Notebook entries are insufficiently descriptive to completely recreate the daily accomplishment. No reflections on work and future needs are included. |
Daily entries are minimal and unacceptably vague. |
No entries have been added since last check. |
Proper Documentation of Journals/ Books/Videos/ Websites |
Documentation is complete, properly formatted, clear, and detailed. References are cited in the chronological section when appropriate. All references are listed in a separate section. |
Documentation is mostly complete, properly formatted, clear, and detailed. References are mostly cited when appropriate in the chronological section. All information is documented but some sources are incorrectly cited. |
Documentation is mostly complete but improperly formatted, unclear, or lacking sufficient detail. Reference citations are often missing when necessary in the chronological section. |
Documentation is incomplete and improperly formatted, unclear, and lacks sufficient detail. References are not cited when appropriate in the chronological section. |
A poor attempt has been made to appropriately document sources. |
Drawings and Sketches |
Sketches are in ink, neat, complete, and annotated to show all important information. Heading information is complete and accurate. |
One or two sketches are not complete and are missing important information, such as measurements. Some heading information is incomplete. |
Sketches are messy or missing more than 50% of the identification of the components. More than 50% of the heading information is not complete. |
Sketches provide minimal detail. Heading information is missing or is not accurate. |
The notebook contains little or no evidence of sketches. |
Phone Conversation Abstracts |
Phone conversation abstracts include a summary of the phone call, the contact’s name, and a reference to the listing in the Contacts section. |
Most required information is included in the abstract. |
Vital information is missing. |
Only bits and pieces of information exist. |
Phone conversations are not documented. |
Business/Expert Contacts |
A separate Contacts section lists business contacts and experts including their function and means of contact. Proper reference to each contact is included when appropriate in the chronological section. |
A separate Contacts section includes a listing of all contacts, but information is missing. Proper reference to contacts is included in most instances when appropriate in the chronological section. |
A separate Contacts section includes a listing of contacts, but some contacts are missing. References to contacts are often missing when appropriate in the chronological section. |
A separate Contacts section is included in the engineering notebook, but no contacts are listed. |
A separate Contacts section is not included in the engineering notebook. |