ε1.1 Patent Search Activity
- Due No Due Date
- Points None
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is a federal agency made up of more than 8900 employees of various backgrounds and is responsible for issuing patents and registered trademarks. According to the USPTO, they issue nearly 200,000 patents each year. The average wait time for a patent to be pending is nearly 3 years. The USPTO also serves as an advisor to the federal government regarding all types of intellectual property.
- Computer with Internet access
- Invention and Innovation Patent template
Your instructor will assign three of the topics below or others as designated. You will identify two patents directly related to each topic. For each patent search, you will locate many relevant patents. You must be able to justify why the two you chose are most relevant.
Potential Topics
Search for patents related to your topic. Most patent search engines include advanced search options, which should be used.
Options for searching include:
Google Patents
Links to an external site.
United States Patent Office
Links to an external site.
- Compile the following information for each patent in your engineering notebook .
- Identify the topic you investigated.
- Record the patent number.
- Justify why you believe this patent is more relevant or important than others to your topic.
- Would you consider this patent to be an invention or innovation? Explain why.
NOTE: Some patents can be argued to be either invention or innovation. Choose one and justify your statement.
- Describe in your own words the difference between an invention and an innovation.
- Describe the most interesting patent you discovered.